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Premium Training.
Unmatched Value.

Serving Prepared Citizens

We have an extensive network of world-class training experts that provide comprehensive, performance-based first aid and firearms training. Stay prepared with practical real-world knowledge and training. 

Rapid Defense is a licensed firearms dealer that can accept transfers from almost every online vendor or retail store near you. Choose us as the transfer agent during purchase and then buy our transfer fee to get started.

Consult with our experts on the right gear for you. Visit our online store for firearms, NFA items, first aid supplies, less-than-lethal tools, bags, ammo, and gear. We also buy and sell used guns - take a look at our current selection.


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Rapid Defense


Rapid Defense, LLC serves prepared citizens in southeast Wisconsin and surrounding areas. The company was created in December 2020 with the mission of providing local citizens a means of rapidly defending their life and liberty. 


Consult with our experts on everything you need to be a prepared citizen. We host first aid and firearms training classes, provide the right gear, and can give you the insight required to make responsible and smart decisions. 


Rapid Defense is an 07 FFL/02 SOT capable of handling transfers and sales of most firearms, including NFA items such as suppressors, short-barreled rifles (SBR), machine guns, and more.

Protecting Life and Liberty 

Rapid Defense donates a portion of every transaction to gun rights organizations such as the GOA, FPC, and the 2nd Amendment Foundation, or to local groups that support the shooting community.

Protect yourself with self-defense insurance.


Amendment II

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

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