We just wrapped up a sold out Introduction to Defensive Shotgun class and what a blast that was! This was our first shotgun class and it's safe to say we will be expanding out shotgun program next year. Don't miss Intermediate level this fall! The shotgun is a very effective and versatile defensive tool but using it requires a lot of practice and understanding.
Students started out with a discussion around the types of shotguns, the unique manual of arms for each model, the types of shells and how they differ between brands, and how to load and unload properly (emptying the tube without chambering rounds).
After patterning everyone, we then progressed into live fire drills to practice effective shooting and reloading techniques, marksmanship, and more. Shell changes, loading, and ready positions were repeated often and despite a few hundred shells fired, students were all smiles.
Big thanks to Craig French of Spartan Tactical for teaching this one!
