One question we often hear is, "I've been shooting pistols for a long time and have taken many classes before. What can I do next?" Or, "what other advanced level classes do you have?"
We've created a number of specialty classes for experienced shooters with the goal of not just introducing new concepts, but perfecting the fundamentals and skills that allow you to perform at a high level.
As you often hear us say, advanced level classes are really just faster applications of the fundamentals, with incremental mental challenges mixed in. Sometimes that means situation specific exercises, but most of the time it just means making less mistakes.
If you have already taken our basic intro to advanced defensive pistol classes, or equivalent elsewhere, these are what we recommend next, in order. You don't have to progress this way exactly but we see better comprehension in each class when students go this route.
Concealed Defensive Handgun
Gain a realistic understanding of using your concealed weapon. This class trains on defending yourself from concealment - considering clothing, holster position, threat level, and unfavorable positions. These are practical skills that will come into play during violence and offer considerations not found in static shooting classes.
Students get the chance to live fire from positions of disadvantage such as being seated, on your back, on your side, in limited space, and using cover or concealment. You also get to run your smaller concealed firearm for a day, discovering the disadvantages and added safety requirements of such a tool.
Low Light Pistol
We spend half our lives in the dark, yet few people actually train in low-light conditions. Low Light Pistol teaches students all of the considerations for defending yourself at night, including flash light usage, limited visibility and mobility, and alternative deterrents.
This class also dispels the myths around low light defensive shooting, especially regarding flash lights and threat behavior. This class requires higher-than-average handgun proficiency, because you need to be able to handle your firearm safely without being able to see it.

Competent Gunfighter
This eye-opening class throws everything that can go wrong straight at you. You should have exceptional gun handling and safety skills before taking this class. Students learn how to overcome challenges when under stress.
You'll shoot and reload with one hand only, slick hands, malfunctioning firearms, limited mobility, simulated injury, and make decisions when bullets aren't working. It's a great chance to train on real-world problems you can't often practice safely on your own.
Handgun Diagnostics
Nothing shakes your confidence more than failing common fundamental drills, or shooting poorly at random times. This class is all about pointing out your flaws and working on them repeatedly until fixed. It's the second highest round count class we offer.
We perfect the foundations of marksmanship - grip, draw, sights, trigger, stance, etc. all while battling the increased fatigue that comes with hundreds of rounds. Inefficiencies are discovered and stamped out. If you are pressing your trigger incorrectly, wasting time on a reload, or see inconsistent hits, this class will help you overcome these frustrating actions.
Performance Pistol
This jam-packed two day class looks at defensive shooting through the lens of competitive shooting, building speed and accuracy. The focus lies on enhancing continual training to perform defensive shooting skills at a higher level. Performance Pistol is the highest round count class we offer.
Students not only build their shooting skills, they learn how to train more effectively by creating range and training plans, problem solving, and practical stages to test skill level. This is one of the few "instructor-level" classes we offer and it will equipt you to start helping others.

Additional Consideration: Vehicle Defensive Handgun 1 and 2
This class somewhat builds off Concealed Handgun, because it puts you into a vehicle and the various positions around it. Students learn how to use a vehicle to maximize success, dealing with tight space, limited visibility, and the environmental nuances of increased consussive forces and particalized glass.
You'll engage various threats, experience live role-playing for decision making, and participate in a full ballistics lab so you can see first-hand how cars and glass react to bullets. Mythbusting is a big part of this class.
Intermediate (level 2) introduces a force-on-force component, that builds off the training in level 1, which is a pre-requisite.