How does it work?
Before you decide to use us
If you have any questions about our process or capabilities, please contact us BEFORE you choose us as your transfer agent during your purchase. Please also ensure that your information is included with your transfer, so we know what belongs to you.
We reserve the right to refuse a transfer or sale at any time for any reason. If we have a reasonable suspicion of unlawful drug use, intoxication, or other prohibitive condition, your transfer or sale will be terminated immediately. You will be charged for shipping and related costs associated with returning the item to the sender. Non-payment within 14 days will result in forfeiture of firearm.
Handgun/receiver transfers are $40. Long guns are $30. Additional non-NFA guns in the same order are $15 each, regardless of type. NFA transfers are $75 for each item (free if coming from SilencerShop). Transfer fees are non-refundable, even if you're denied during the background check. Transfers must be purchased in our online store to begin the process.
Contact us with the information of the dealer you purchased from so we can send them our FFL. We will need a copy of your ID, the order number, and the tracking number. Complete instructions here. We will contact you when your gun is ready to be picked up. This may take an additional day or two after being delivered so that we may receive it into our records. Ensure your transfer includes a receipt that clearly states Make/Importer, Model, Caliber, and your contact info. Most of the big online stores send this information to us.
Transfers from another individual require a copy of their driver's license or state ID. We cannot process your transfer without this.
Transfers must be picked up within 7 days, unless you contact us to make other arrangements. Transfers not picked up within 7 days with no communication are subject to a $25 fee for each item.
Background checks
Every transfer requires a background check. We run a preliminary background check when we receive your transfer order and a complete background check during your appointment to pick up your item, and will inform you of a proceed or denial. In the event of a delay, we will schedule another appointment to pick up once approval comes through.
Firearms purchases that are denied during the background check(s) are subject to a $30 processing fee plus the cost of return shipping to the merchant if applicable. If fee is not paid or no arrangement has been made within 14 days of the denial, Rapid Defense, LLC reserves the right to take possession of the firearm for resale and/or other lawful purposes.